Dodies uz nekurieni? Iznomā Spot Satellite GPS Messenger.
Īsumā – šī vienkāršā iekārta nosūtīs jūsu atrašanās vietas koordinātas draugiem, sekotājiem vai pat glābšanas dienestiem, lai kur jūs arī nebūtu, izmantojot satelītsakarus. Iekārta ir ūdensizturīga un darbojas 7-40 dienas bez bateriju maiņas. Komplektācijā divu veidu stiprinājumi. Paziņojumus iespējams automātiski publicēt Twitter un Facebook. Atrašanās vietai iespējams sekot dzīvajā uz Google maps. Reāla alternatīva satelīttelefonam pa daudzkārt zemāku cenu.
Ls 10,- pirmā nedēļa, + Ls 1,05 par katru papildus dienu.
Minimālais nomas termiņš – 7 dienas, cenā iekļauta maršruta progresa lapas konfigurācija un jūsu izvēlēto kontaktu piesaistīšana iekārtai, lai trauksmes gadījumā glābšanas dienesti spētu operatīvi reaģēt. Garantijas nauda – Ls 50,-
Ierīces apraksts ražotāja mājas lapā.
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Help: In the event of a non-life threatening emergency, you can use this function to notify your personal contacts that you need assistance. Additional SPOT Assist services can be purchased and programmed to your Help button as well. When activated with SPOT Assist, the Help button will notify professional services either on the land or water. SPOT has partnered with national service providers to offer non-life threatening assistance.
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Check-in/OK: This feature allows you to let your friends and family know that all is OK with a pre-programmed message along with your GPS location. With a push of a button a message is sent via email or SMS to up to 10 pre-determined contacts and your waypoint is stored in your SPOT account for later reference. Your stored waypoints can be easily integrated into a SPOT Shared Page or SPOT Adventure account.
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Custom Message: This feature allows you to let your friends and family know receive a custom message along with your GPS location with a push of a button. Use this feature as a secondary OK message or transfer your personal help alert to this message function if you are using a SPOT Assist service on your Help button.
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Track Progress: This feature allows you to send and save your location and allow contacts to track your progress in near real time using Google Maps. With your SPOT account you have the ability to set up a SPOT Shared Page which allows you to show your SPOT GPS locations to others on a Google Map.
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